Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I had a chance to work with the foreign primary school in town recently. One early morning, I happened to be at the school for some business matters.

The kids started streaming into the school. The teachers would stand at the entrance to greet their kids, some said hi, some just nodded, the friendly ones gave their teachers a big hug. The whole environment was filled with friendliness, warmth and happiness. I realised that not a kid was heavy ladden with a stuffed school bag and none of them came with a trolley school bag...making learning a de"light"ing experience for the kids.

Now, consider our local primary schools,...overbuilt compound congested with highrise classroom blocks, cemented and shaded halls...and a must item: trolley school bag. Just imaging a seven year-old kid braves up the 3-storey staircase with the trolley school bag weighing at least 5kg...is this leading anyway?

Whilst demanding our kids to memorise and spit out perfect answer for every question and to acquire straight As for all subjects...we killed their creativities. Our kids are good at copying, memorising and regurgitating.....is this what we want them to be?

Long study hours killed the carefree childhood. Based on my survey, a Primary 4 student spent almost 15 hours a day out of the house. School, tuition classes (well, not just one but three)...and this kind of lifestyle would haunt them until Form 5, most probably. Question: Educators, Policy makers - are you making education system an effective and efficient gateway for learning or what?

Please teach our kids to LEARN not to LEAN. Only then, Malaysia baru bolehlah!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Aiyo, It's no big deal!

It's not a big deal a building leaks.
It's not a big deal too a newly renovated building leaks.

It's not a big deal a highway cracks.
It's not a big deal too a newly built highway cracks.

Why so "kanchiong''? "Relaklah"

Sam O Sam,
It's really inspiring to see you keeping your poise; so mature, so understanding, so accommodating to human weakness.

I trust that you'd say the same too if...
your house leaks
your newly renovated toilet came with a polyfoam door...with a big hole in it...
your drive way cracks......

It's no big deal lah...true, it's someone elses' money we're talking about.

Hey, wait a minute.....I see a hole in my pocket.....where did my money go?!


This is in response to the 2 Members of Parliament who teased a lady MP.

Something is going terribly wrong in this society!

The moral standard is getting worse. This time it's not concern about youth although we know that our youth are not doing very well in this.

It's the ADULTs, the Yang Berhormats I'm talking about. These are the people chosen representatives. Not only 'borned' with the lowest IQ but the lowest moral standard of all mankinds; whose behaviours are really disgusted. (Come to think of it, it's democratic country, they are our choice, our votes went to them...if we chose such 'good-for-nothing' fellas to be our representatives, what are we? Isn't it an insult to ourselves?!....)

Parliament sessions, the highest order of management meetings in our country have become a gathering ground full of R-rated uncivilised exchanges with absolutely NO CONTRIBUTION to the welfare of people.

Fellow Malaysians, it's time we seriously appraise the performance and behaviour of our YBs & MPs. These people representatives who appeared to be so smart & capable, so gentlemen to the ladies and ah mahs, so caring towards the old and the young during the campaigns showed their true colour in action.